‘Tis the Season… 3 Ways to Savor the Wait


SavorLast week as my youngest son bolted onto the school bus, I softly whispered, “Love that kid!” And then, it hit me…this mantra has become part of my daily ritual. Earlier this fall, who knew that I would come to cherish our morning routine, that I would treasure the waiting? But, I do.

While we pass the time each morning (in the car where it’s warm), I have a chance to ask my son about his friends, about school. He and I struck a deal early on where he gets to use my phone to select one song each day. I love discovering his musical preferences, and I enjoy his infectious excitement over sharing favorite picks. Every once in a while, his song choices even provide me with an exclusive peek into the tender workings of an 11-year old heart – what an honor that is!

While I love spending this daily time with him, the act of waiting has not always been a welcomed friend. In fact, I am one of “those” people who prefers driving inconveniently out of my way if it means avoiding traffic. And, don’t even get me started on the madness behind those automated response systems used to route business calls. Suffice it to say that these situations do not bring out the best in me.

Yet, in recent years, God has begun to open my heart to the gifts that lie within the experience of waiting – certain presents that have remained unopened, and others that I received, but initially failed to acknowledge and appreciate.

Below are three such priceless gifts…

1. Anticipation

One of the greatest thrills of the Christmas season lies within the anticipation. We light candles, listen to Christmas carols, string holiday lights, bake cookies, and decorate the family Christmas tree. When I reflect on Christmas’s past and present, many of my favorite memories and traditions exist outside the date of Dec. 25, and are actually the very things that we do in anticipation and preparation for Christmas.

Our family has a Christmas Day tradition where my boys wait upstairs until their grandparents arrive. Only then, can they scurry downstairs to see what surprises Santa has left. Practically speaking, the tradition started as a strategy to give my husband and I enough time to start the coffee, pop the breakfast casserole in the oven and set-up the video camera. However, this tradition has come to mean so much more.

A few years back, I asked my boys to name their favorite holiday traditions. My heart smiled as my middle son mentioned that his was “waiting upstairs for Grandma and Grandpa to get here on Christmas morning.” It’s in those moments of waiting that my boys bounce around between each others’ rooms with excited chatter, speculating on what awaits them downstairs. Anticipation – such a beautiful gift.

2. Opportunities for Blessings

Do you hate getting stuck in a slow retail line? I remember waiting for an extended time at a jewelry store on Black Friday a few years ago. Jewelry stores are akin to torture chambers for those of us who struggle with impatience. You can see your desired item right there in front of you, but you have to wait for a sales representative before you can even try it on for size.

It never fails that the customers who savor the selection process always seem to arrive at the store just ahead of me. On this particular morning, I could feel my impatience rising. In the midst of my frustration, I suddenly heard an inner voice challenge my attitude, “It’s Black Friday. Lines are to be expected. Be patient.” I decided to say a quick prayer asking God to ease my anxious heart.

Suddenly, my gaze fell upon a case of wedding rings. I imagined young men and their girlfriends pouring over this case to select just the right ring. I envisioned the romantic proposals, their big days surrounded by family and friends. I even pictured beautiful brides walking down the aisle to meet their future grooms. And, then it clicked. I believe God was calling me to pray over the wedding rings in this case. And so I did – silently.

Wow. How this experience changed me. My impatient anger transformed into joy and peace, as I imagined the blessings that God would pour out over these couples. God’s grace helped me channel my energy in a more positive way, and turned my impatience into a blessing for others and for my own anxious heart.

3. The Gift of Presence

For the first time in ages, our family visited Kings Island earlier this year. During our visit, I was surprised to learn of the new “fast pass” lane, where you can buy a special bracelet to essentially “skip” the line – legally. At first, this new program ruffled my sense of justice.

But, as our day continued, I realized that I wouldn’t want the fast pass even if it was available for free. Why? My favorite part of our time that day was being together. Sure, waiting in line can be boring, but it can also be a great opportunity to talk with one another. In today’s fast-paced world, shared time with family is sacred, even if that time comes in the form of a hot, sticky line at the local amusement park.

As we begin our final countdown to December 25th, what unopened gifts lie within your waiting process? How can you more fully soak up the joy of anticipation, become a blessing to others, and intentionally slow down to be more present to loved ones?

In what ways can we prepare our hearts to receive and share the love of Christ this holiday season? If we listen closely, perhaps we will hear our Heavenly Father softly whisper, “Love that kid!” as he watches over us, because… indeed, he does.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

– John3:16

Cincinnati Moms Blog offers a special thank you to today’s guest blogger, Christy Berning.
CBSelfieHeadshotChristy’s Bio: As a Florida native and B.G.S.U. grad, I followed my college sweetheart home to Cincinnati more than 21 years ago and never looked back (expect perhaps when temperatures slip below 20 degrees)! A freelance writer and avid photographer (whose personal collection remains trapped on memory cards), I am a “boy mom” to three teens, ages 17, 14, & 11, who keep me grateful, humble, and grounded in my Catholic-Christian faith. I take great joy in the beauty of nature and cherish inspiring ideas, the touch of sunshine and fresh air, “Kool-Aid mom” moments, community kindness, and the hearts of authentic people. When I’m not navigating the testosterone levels within my home or tackling the mounds of unfolded laundry in our basement, I can be found working as a strategic consultant and contributing blogger for Beech Acres Parenting Center.


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