Parenting in Faith {Perspectives in Parenting}

If you do not share the same beliefs, I’m not going to try to change your mind and my goal isn’t to preach. I just want to share how our family does life. Life, for us, is about God. Our family believes that our number one job every day is to love like Jesus loved.  It’s hard for me to describe my parenting style, without describing my faith. It’s hard to describe myself, as well. We incorporate it into everything we do, every single day. It’s us. It’s everything. 
  • When we punish her for doing something wrong, we are firm, but we are gracious. Jesus is all about that grace. We use time outs and take away privileges. She does not get her way when she whines and cries. Sorry, little lady, but we do not need a toy or candy bar every single time we visit a store. Little-miss-sassy-pants does not like that very much.
  • We emphasize, respect and use courtesy. She uses please and thank you. She uses her walking feet indoors. She’s expected to apologize when she does something wrong. She is expected to pick up after herself. She’s expected to use her ‘listening ears’ (which tend to have selected hearing at times).
  • Sunday School with her peers, while we hear the sermon, is part of her weekly routine. It’s so important to us that she can learn on her level and have fun! We read her children’s Bible and we go through the Bible app on her tablet daily (limiting screen time, of course). 

What do I want Ellie to learn from my faith?

My parenting perspective, in a nutshell, is described by Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT). It says: But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
Discipline comes from the word Disciple (Sound familiar? Jesus had 12 of them). Ellie and all of our children are looking to us to help shape and mold them into the awesome kids and adults we want them to be. I want my child to have all of those qualities (fruits of the spirit), listed in Galatians. 
I want her to be different than the world. I want her light to shine to all those around her. I want her to love like crazy, but not be a doormat. I want her to know that she is loved by Jesus no matter what she does, or the mistakes she may make. I want her to follow her passions, and do what she loves!
I want her to live without worry, fear or pain (Oh, I wish that could be true!). I want her to lean into God in her times of trouble. Without my faith, I would not be the person or parent I am today! However, it’s all up to her if/when she accepts Jesus into her heart. Until then, I’m going to continue to do what I feel will lead her on that path. 
We all love our kids, and we love with all that we have. After all, it’s what Jesus did for us!
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Melissa Long
I have a small 3 person family- my 6 year old little girl, Ellie and my husband Matt. I have 3 fur babies, my dog Jack-Jack ( Dachshund) and my two cats Harry and Mickey. I have battled infertility for a while, and I am willing to talk with any woman in the same battle. I work Full time as a teacher at a local daycare. I am a University of Cincinnati student. I'm finishing up my Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education! Never too late to go for a dream folks. In my free time, I enjoy: church, all things Disney, reading, writing and quiet times with my family. I'm a simple girl! It does not take very much to make me happy. You will see me at the grocery store with my messy bun and yoga pants on, that's for sure.


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