Not His Only Mom


Not HisOnly MomI’m not his only mom. Last week my son came to me and said,

“Mom, do I have more moms?”

For most kids this would be a silly question, but not for my boy. I said yes Wyatt you have had 3 moms. You had your belly mommy who carried you in her belly and brought you to this earth. You have your foster mom who cared for you when God was putting things in place for mommy to find you. And you have me, your mommy. I am the mommy who will love you and care for you every day and forever.

I hugged him and told him how lucky he is that he has had three moms care for him. That not many people have so many people who care about them and love them. He is proud of this.

When people say they don’t use the word adoption, they take the importance of these things away. My child, my son, my beautiful ornery boy- this is his history. It isn’t mine to decide which pieces are important to him. If he someday decides he wants to find his birth mom, I will help him make the best and safest decisions to go about moving forward with that. I make sure he knows who his foster mom was and that she knows how he is. When they say it takes a village to raise a child there is no more literal explanation than that of adoption and foster care.

Three women helped this child to be where he is today. I am the one who is lucky enough to spend his present and his future with him, but I will always help him to remember that there were those in his past who loved him and kept him safe.


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