


A Farewell to CMB

This post is hard to write. Mainly because it is my last post for the Cincinnati Mom's Blog. Yes, you read that correctly- my last *ever* (barring any unforeseen circumstances). My family and I...

Unconventional Childhood Milestones

Last month, Hazel had about a two week period where she pooped ALL THE TIME. ON EVERYTHING. It didn't matter if you had just changed her diaper. She pooped. And the poop found its...

Perspectives in Parenting: Hospital Birth and Epidural, Please!!

When I was pregnant with my oldest, the topic of his delivery inevitably came up numerous times. People were so curious about my "birth plan" and whether I was going to "tough it out...

Proof Target is Run By Evil Geniuses

I'm not quite sure how they've done it, but slowly, by degrees, Target has managed to brainwash us all.  They have made us forget that they are a big box store.  They have convinced...

A Shout Out to My Husband

I don't tell my husband this nearly enough, but he is awesome. We met in elementary school, but we weren't really friends. Or even, truly, acquaintances. We went to different middle schools, so when...

Practical Tips for Pumping at Work

When I went back to work following the birth of my son, I was a little apprehensive about the whole pumping thing. I had pumped at home a little- basically enough to have a...

Bringing Back the Photo Album

I remember flipping through endless photo albums when I was a kid. My mom had at least 2 shelves full of them, containing picture memories from her and my dad's early years of marriage...

Perspectives in Parenting: Why I chose breastfeeding {Series}

When I was pregnant with Ian, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. It wasn't even a question or discussion... it was just something I knew I would do. I did a little bit of...

Confessions of a Full Time Working Mom

I like my job.  I like my coworkers.  I like financially contributing to my family in a significant way.  I like that my son has a set of steady friends he sees every day...

Allie t. Photography {Sponsored}

There's something about becoming a parent (or maybe it's just me?) that turns you into a "picture person".  Even if the last "real" picture you have of yourself and/or your significant other is from...